
Frequently asked questions



With a onestop website we will register a .co.uk a .org.uk or .uk domain for free, if used as your primary domain. If we register it for you, we will take care of all the renewals at no additional cost.

If you would like more control over your domain or to utilise a .com .org .net or any other domain extension, you can register it with a third party company and we will divert it to us, so your website will work. You will be responsible for all the yearly domain renewals with the third party company.
The Goodwill Network can provide an email address to use with the onestop website service.
All contact forms which you use on your website can send the submitted correspondence to an email address of your choosing, which is great if you already have an email address you would like to use. Not sure how to proceed, talk to us.
Cpanel access
With your website you will get an administrative control area where you can manage your website. All technical cpanel controls are managed by the Goodwill Network.
Updating your website
We have made it simple for you to manage your website within your admin area; and regularly run basic and advanced workshops to enable you to take full control (see our events page for workshop dates). However you can request assistance at anytime from within the admin area.
I would like my website to be able to do xyz?
If you dont ask you don’t get. We are continually updating and improving our services to benefit you the customer. Speak to us and share your ideas. If it adds value to what we do, and isn’t already part of our service list, we’ll create it at no additional cost to you.
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Your website is hosted within our UK datacenter, which is continually backed up for peace of mind for our customers. It is not possible to host your website on third party servers.

Is this suitable for my business?

We would like to believe, there is something for everyone within this service, and continually add new features to enhance it. Why not speak to us, so we can see where we can help you.

I already have a website

The question we would ask is, does it represent you? Is it a website which is there because you need one, but despare of the thought of people visiting it. Contact us today.

Receiving payments on my website

This service use's Paypal to process your customer payments. This adds peace of mind for your customers, and flexiblity for them to pay via credit or debit card using a well known global service.

Need more help?


The Goodwill Network create Blog Articles to ensure our visitors have access to the information they need. From offers, new features, how-to's and so much more. So check it out, you might be suprised what you find.

And remember any feature that you see on this website and more, will be available in your Onestop website at no additional cost.
