The internet is forever changing and evolving, but there are a few baseline techniques that should be in place. But before i get to that, lets look at what SEO is. The term SEO, Search Engine Optimisation is a method used, for increasing your ranking on search engines, thus increasing your exposure potential to would be customers. You will come to realise that SEO done properly (meaning, if you have the time) is an ongoing process, as the internet is always changing. Be it, the way search engines rank your material, or the techniques your competition are using to get ahead of you. But there are some baseline things which should be in place.
I was motified, when a person came to me who had a website on a big well named platform (this is not name and shame sorry). The platform offers a free account as well as paid websites (this is not guess who, so no more clues). However upon analysing the website, it was generating more than 4k warnings and errors, simply because basic things were not done.
Now it wouldn't be right if I went to all of this trouble to write this article, and I didn't tell you about the Goodwill Networks 'Onestop Websites' which automate most of the onpage SEO for you (amoungst other great features for only £25pm).
onestop websiteNow please understand that we are talking about getting real people to your website to engage with your products and services. With so much talk of online scams, creating consumer confidence takes time. Yes it is possible to get 10 thousand people coming to your website each day, but if you want quality customers please continue reading.
I think the first thing you need to understand is that a brand new website, with a brand new domain name, will prove more challenging. There are a lot of factors to consider, be it the industry your in, the types of words you want to be ranked for, your target customers (local/global) or your competition who have been establishing and earning there ranking for years.
To think you can just come in and be at the top of every search engine in two weeks, you may need to rethink things. Don’t get me wrong, there are Google Adwords. The more money you pour into it, the higher chance you will see an advert for your website on the first page of google. But lets assume you don’t have a bottomless pit of money, as your business is newly established, or not generating enough profits to give you this luxury. More established websites should fair easier, although we do still have to consider many of the previous mentioned areas. SEO is not a one time event, so be patient. Obviously it helps if your not having to pay a mortgage amount each month for the service.
Now im not here to tell you, do this and do that, because SEO is personal. Different techniques can be applied depending on your industry, to maximise your potential. So were to start if you have a website else where? Firslty, make sure you have your 'on page seo' sorted (but you dont know coding! Hold on, there is hope continue reading).
Some people stumble when the term 'Keywords' are mentioned, what are they? Some of you may have heard, keywords are dead. So what to believe. Well google may have lessened its importance, but google are not the only search engine out there. Infact, you’ll be amazed how many people are turning away from google due to privacy concerns. Check out (the search engine which claims not to track you).
To be effective, you need to know, its not just about what you do on your website that will determine your success. SEO should work in tandem with your marketing stratergy. Make sure you register your Social media accounts across every platform in your company name.... eg facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, youtube. You don’t have to use them straight away, but secure the name. Then look at various web directories and forums applicable to your industry and create a listing or interact in the forum. Make sure you include your full web address in all the above mentioned. But one thing i would say in the area of web directories and forums, quality over quantity will always win.
Why not start off by, registering a free account on Its a good idea to type in the search engine (eg google), a name of your market services and see what comes up, this not only helps you see your direct competition, but may give you some ideas of directories worth listing on. Please ensure you don’t put your email address on your website as you’ll turn your inbox into a spam magnet.
This may be way out of many peoples comfort zone already. Ok, lets slow things down. Get a cup of coffee and head over to Youtube. There are thousands of videos to help you. If all else fails, come and see us. We have built up quite a habit of rescuing businesses.
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See some of the many websites which have been created using our OneStop Website solution.