So you post twice a day, every day. 100, 1000 or 20,000 people see your ads on facebook. They may click like. But what is it doing for your business. Its building awareness one might say. With social ads, people like to tell you what you need, instead of giving you what you want.
Why, one may ponder. Its the time of the year some may say. But in truth, it looks like my opening paragraph is true. So how do we turn it around.
Firstly STOP telling people what they need. The word HOW, speaks an answer to a question someone has been looking for. So ask yourself when running your business, what did you want to do, but didn’t know how. Then research the answer and share your findings. You will be amazed what will happen.
Then support it with a WHY. What will knowing the HOW do for you. Then discreetly offer a ready made solution.
Theres no need to try and sell ice to an eskimo. He knows where he can get it from. I dislike my wife going to the supermarket because, although she knows what we need, she’ll always come back with something else. Like the chocolate which was on offer at the checkout (she’s getting better). What can we learn from this, outside of dont let my wife go shopping, go to the shops myself.
Firstly, have the solution to what a person needs. With that being said, make sure your customers know what you do (clearly, without the jargon).
Secondly when I look at how many products my wife walked past to get what she wanted, it may be a idea to discreetly showcase what you have (Not overkill, tomorrow is another day, with a chance to offer another solution).
And thirdly, the product or service you most want to sell, have an offer, in a place which cannot be missed when a person checks out your eg blog.
Take us for example, the Goodwill Network offer a website for £25pm (the Onestop Web package). Which has all the tools you need to succeed online. In fact this website was built with it. So although i can sell products and services from here, it has an integrated blog (which you are reading now), which can share and bring people back from social media, so you can implement the strategies mentioned above. Notice how i was able to highlight my service, without selling it. But you can click here to find out more about this Onestop Website offer. Be sure to tell us you read this blog, for further discounts.
So one thing i’ll leave you with. With your new found page followers, use them wisely. Don’t drive them away. If done correctly, they will become your marketers. This is the point, you share this post by clicking the share links below....lol. I hope you have enjoyed reading this, of which we have many more Hows and Whys to come. So be sure to come back soon.
See some of the many websites which have been created using our OneStop Website solution.